Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 61- I am going on the news and want to look professional pencil skirt.

So big news everybody. The local news station contacted me earlier in the week and asked me for an interview regarding my blog. It was one of the most fun days I have ever had in my life, and I am seriously re-thinking my career as a counselor.  Cory and I had so much fun at the studio. I was really nervous on the way into Cleveland. Without going into too much detail (which would not be lady-like) you can imagine the state of my stomach before my big debut.

We entered the studio through two security gates and a producer met us outside. I brought along about twelve million outfits, as I could not pick which ones I wanted to showcase. Also, thank you to my sister Emily and bro in law, Justin who skyped with me the night before and helped me pick everything out! They brought us into the green room which was totally upscale and wonderful in every way. After several minutes one of the crewmen came in and asked if I wanted some mannequins to display my outfits. He told us to wait a couple of mintues and then came back in asking us to follow him.

He wallked us into the studio while Mark Zinni was already on-air doing the news. I was super nervous that my heels were making too much noise while he was talking so I moved real slowly. I heard him say "Coming up next, a local woman and her challenge to fashion on a budget." At that point I was saying in my head "Ok Jeni. This is happening, don't be an idiot!" (as I often say to myself).

We were then told to take a seat on the couch and interacted with the crew a bit who were making jokes and being super hilarious in between commercial breaks. I was then told to stand by my mannequins to get ready for the interview. Mark knew  a little of the background about my blog, but said he didn't like to know too much before the interviews. Cory was being silly on the couch off camera and we were being silly while waiting to go on air. I remember Mark warning me that 3 minutes goes by super fast and then we were live!

I don't remember a whole lot, but I do remember feeling very calm. After it was over, I was worried I said something stupid, but Cory gave me the thumbs up. We then talked to Mark and the crew for several minutes and took some more pictures. They gave us a tour around the studio which was totally legit and then we gathered our things and left. It really was one of the best experiences of my life and felt very natural to me.

You can watch my interview here :

The black pencil skirt is from Gap for $4.00, shoes are Forever 21 for $7.00 as well as the necklace for $5.00 and the ballet pink blouse is a thrift store find for $2.00. I wore pearl studded earrings to go for the classy look. Total cost = 18.00

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