Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 26- Rainy Day Polka Dot Dress

Greetings! It's a rainy day here in Northeast Ohio, but at least it's warm! I decided to go ahead with a nautical theme today and wore my Target polka dot navy dress ($2.99) with white and red accents. This dress was originally a junior's large, but I took in the sides and adjusted it to fit me. Buying pieces that are too large and taking them in is also a good way to get awesome outfits for cheap! I found the shoes at a local closeout store (originally from Target) for $2.99. The cardigan is from Gabriel Brothers and I remember it costing around $4.00. The necklace was from Charming Charlie's and was a gift, as well as my red belt. I went ahead with some classic pearl earrings which were gifted to me from my lovely husband as a wedding gift. Total cost = $ 9.98

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