Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 4- Plum Crossover Dress

Many of you know that I am an amateur seamstress. I LOVE to sew, alter, and fix fabulous items that are in need of some TLC. I found my lovely plum dress at Banana Republic with a broken zipper.  Soooo.....20 minutes and $2.15 (that's how much zippers cost) later I had a new outfit! The material is a heavy weight cotton jersey so it can be worn in all seasons. Whenever I check out at a retail store with a giant stack of broken or ripped clothes, I tend to get strange looks.  The dress was $8.99 (which is a little pricey in my book, but the original price tag was $79.00, so I guess it was alright), and the zipper was $2.15. The necklace was given to me, along with the shoes by my mom and the earrings I made myself, so lets say $3.00 for materials. The sweater and belt are from from New York and Company and were $5.99 for both. The total cost for my rockin' plum outfit was = $ 20.13!

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